Thursday, October 23, 2008

Happy Fall

Hello everyone--
Sorry no pictures this time. We have been very busy and with Halloween only a week away life is even crazier. I have been on field trips with both older kids, we are going to the Boo Zoo (weather permitting) this weekend and we have a birthday party this weekend also. Life is way busier with children but I wouldnt trade them for anything. Oh yeah--we had to find a new daycare too---that starts monday. That is a long story in it self and I will not bore you with the details. All I will say is that it is in the best interest of the children. Well i will post some new pictures soon. Matthews birthday is soon and I'm getting the kids pictures taken next week. Hope you all have a great weekend.

Alicia---I'm with you, I'm in the 59% of happy people. I have learned not to dwell on the bad---look at the brighter future and trust god to take care of me and my family.

Love to you all---April


The VW's said...


I'm so happy that you are happy! :) I can't wait to see the new pictures! Have fun! Would love to get together sometime!

Love, Alicia